Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blackout Poetry

Seventh graders have been working with punctuation so one day we got to break some of the punctuation rules we had been working with! Instead of looking for correct sentences, we created blackout poems where we took a variety of words and puncutation marks from a Kansas City Star article.
 We transformed the meaning of the article from one topic to another. (Below you'll see a poem about bullying. The article was originally about acting.) They did a great job!

Giving up: I believe that giving up is a kind of joke
Decisions: decisions could be simple it might also stretch who we are but who we know we are
Bullying: watching bullying can be exhasting. one stopped and the other began.
 Love: friends say I love you it's necessary to tell you I want everyone to know feelings are strength
Have Trust: I believe God speaks "I love you."
Music: When it comes to music it blows my mind it makes me want to laugh it's so brilliant it's really not opinion definitely More than that

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